MECAmaster Assembly is a very simple and fast tool to identify static loads on an assembly connections even on a simple sketch !!
Using very elementary data to work (such as point/directions, … ), load calculation can be used in the early project from the concept study phases for a better efficiency of the project.
From a kinematical modelisation of an assembly, and from an external (or internal) loading, MECAmaster computes (completely in 3D) and draws internal loads exerted on each part of the assembly resulting from a static (or quasi-static) calculation.

On some environment (CATIA V5 only for the moment) the calculation can be coupled with a mechanism kinematics to check load evolution depending on the kinematic position of the system.

- use in early stages of the project (on simple skeleton etc … )
- easiness of use and definition
- robustness of the calculation, fully numerical
- kinematics integration in some environments
MECAmaster is today available in CATIA V5 and in 3DExperience.
As MECAmaster has in charge all the sale process of MECAmaster software, kindly use the contact form of this site to get in touch with us !